Walt Disney World has so many unique experiences to add to your vacations and many of those are at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. I shared one of those recently in Caring for Giants which is a great way to see Animal Kingdom’s largest animal. Today, we are going to take a look at another tour you can take part in, Up Close with Rhinos.
Up Close with Rhinos is an hour long tour that takes you backstage at Disney’s Animal Kingdom to the areas in which the white rhinos are kept and cared for. Unlike Caring for Giants, this tour is all backstage and photos are not allowed while you are backstage. This tour is $45 and discounts do apply. As an annual passholder I paid roughly $38 for the tour. All proceeds from the tour go to rhino conservation.
Disney does have two species of rhino at Animal Kingdom but they are separated and cared for by different teams. This tour focuses specifically on the white rhino. The black rhinos are cared for by another team of caregivers. Just like all Animal Kingdom tours, you check in about 15 minutes prior to the tour time near the Kilimanjaro Safaris attraction. This specific tour is only offered once per day and will book up quickly. It is available 60-days in advance for booking.
You and roughly 13 others are taken by shuttle bus to the rhino barn where then you are greeted by one of their keepers. This tour is very interactive where you can ask as many questions as you’d like during the time and there are plenty of visuals or things like rhino skulls or bones to get a good idea about the rhinos.
The big “perk” to this tour is it is one of the only times at Animal Kingdom you can touch one of the animals. Now this is not a guarantee though. You may encounter a day where a rhino is not cooperating. It is all up to the rhino to participate or not. On my tour we were lucky enough to meet Mylo who is one of the younger rhinos at Animal Kingdom at roughly two years old. This would be his second ever tour so he was still very much learning.
Also on hand was Mylo’s mom Jao and his dad Dugan. Dugan was brought into Animal Kingdom specifically to help breed white rhinos. Since then he has become dad to three babies including Mylo. We only did get to touch/pet Mylo though. The keepers love to ask guests what they think rhinos feel like. Everyone seemingly has a different answer too. I will keep that a surprise for when you get the opportunity to take part.
One of the cool parts of these backstage experiences is seeing animals you not only get to see on Kilimanjaro Safaris but also in “Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom” on Disney+. Mylo was featured on season 2 as well as one of the keepers we spoke with. There are several white rhinos so you never know just who you will get to see on the tour either.

These tours are super insightful and a lot of fun. It is great to do good too with the proceeds going to help these beautiful creatures. As you head back to return to the main part of the park, there are special photo opportunities you can take part in. This is a great way to help commemorate your time especially since photos aren’t allowed on the actual tour.
I have taken part in Up Close with Rhinos twice and would gladly do so again. If you are looking to take part, be sure to let your Crescent Lake Club agent know!
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